Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I am an idiot

I just turned down a really generous job offer at a place I like with nice people and mostly reasonable responsibilities at a time when my husbands job is being eliminated and we have almost no prospects, so that I can work at a minimum wage job at a daycare, where my boss is awesome but my responsibilities often include cleaning of human waste.

I know I made the right decision, but I pretty much feel like an idiot right now.


  1. I'm sure you had good reasons. And I would think that those little ones really like you. I would like you, because you have a nice voice and are really kind. You will be blessed for that.
    By the way, do you still have your younger siblings with you?

  2. Nope, not right now. Mike is 18, so he lives very nearby with our brother but he's technically "out on his own" now, and my sister is 16, home with mom and dad, but getting ready to go to college. We think her grades and stuff might be good enough for a full ride scholarship! Whoo Hoo!
